Kubernetes resources covered in the book


Resource (abbr.) [API version]



  Namespace[*] (ns) [v1] Enables organizing resources into non-overlapping groups (for example, per tenant) 3.7
Deploying workloads Pod (po) [v1] The basic deployable unit containing one or more processes in co-located containers 3.1
ReplicaSet (rs) [apps/v1beta2[**]] Keeps one or more pod replicas running 4.3
ReplicationController (rc) [v1] The older, less-powerful equivalent of a ReplicaSet 4.2
Job [batch/v1] Runs pods that perform a completable task 4.5
CronJob [batch/v1beta1] Runs a scheduled job once or periodically 4.6
DaemonSet (ds) [apps/v1beta2**] Runs one pod replica per node (on all nodes or only on those matching ...

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