Chapter 6. Writing for Landing Pages

In This Chapter

  • Introducing writing for a landing page

  • Coming up with controlled content

  • Using appeals to develop persuasive content

  • Writing catchy headings, calls to actions, and value statements

  • Keeping in mind five writing tips


Easy reading is damn hard writing.

 --Nathaniel Hawthorne

The engaging writing you read on the most successful landing pages doesn't happen by accident. Rather, everything from the placement of the text on the page, to the length of sentences, to the spacing used, and even to the exact number of words on the page is carefully considered, researched, and tested. The primary goals for those writing landing page content is to first capture and then keep the reader's attention. Not an easy task, which we make clear; but if you do your job right, you can guide visitors from the first heading to the final sale.

In this chapter, we look at the various techniques used for landing page writing. This chapter takes a look at the fundamentals of writing for the Web and some techniques for writing in general. We also identify three key landing page elements that need to be written: the heading, the call to action, and the value statement.

We realize that's a lot to get through, but there's no time like the present. Perhaps the best place to start is with an introduction to writing for the Web.

Introducing Landing Page Writing

Just to be clear: Writing for your landing page relies on the very same core fundamentals for effective writing of ...

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