Chapter 4
To Turn On a Laptop
In This Chapter
Opening the laptop’s lid
Finding the power button
Turning on the laptop
Logging in to Windows
Observing the Windows desktop
Transferring old files and programs
Oh, please! How tough can it be to turn on a laptop computer? Does the author really need to write an entire chapter on the topic? Apparently so.
Turning on a laptop is more than simply flipping a switch. First, it’s not a switch: It’s a power button. Second, the power button is typically under the lid, which is something you’re not used to if you’re a desktop PC user. Finally, you need to contend with Windows. That’s too much information for a sentence to convey, more than a paragraph can hold, and with lovely illustrations, more than a few pages can handle. Yes, it’s a chapter, a whole chapter.
Turn On Your Laptop
Turning on a traditional notebook-style laptop computer involves ...
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