Chapter 22

Laptop Maintenance and Upgrading

In This Chapter

arrow Adding new hardware

arrow Updating your software

arrow Cleaning your laptop

arrow Wiping clean the monitor

The desktop PC owes its success to the fact that it can be easily upgraded. New hardware can be added and old hardware replaced with ease. Sadly, the laptop computer isn’t quite as versatile. Laptops are designed for portability, not for internal expansion. And if your laptop can’t be expanded, you have the realm of maintenance to explore. Like upgrading, maintaining your laptop keeps it in tip-top shape and helps extend its lifespan.

New Laptop Hardware

You may have to surrender yourself to accept how internal expansion options are limited to non-existent on your laptops. I believe my 2-in-1 tablet PC is hermetically sealed. I can’t even locate screws on the case.

Some laptops — specifically, the traditional notebook models that feature removable batteries — might have hardware upgrade options. Two items you can upgrade are the hard drive and memory (RAM). Other items, those traditionally upgraded on a desktop PC — processor, motherboard, ...

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