Chapter 7
The Tablet PC Tour
Getting to know tablet computers
Studying tablet PC hardware
Configuring a tablet PC
Working with the stylus
Inputting text
Using special tablet software
The tablet PC may be a miraculous improvement over the traditional laptop, but it’s nothing new. Two thousand years ago, the Romans called it a tabulae ceratae, a wax writing tablet. Back then, it was the high-tech recording device: The wax was black. A sharp, metal stick, or stylus, was used to write on it. The pointy end of the stylus was for writing, and the wider, flat end was for erasing. The tabulae was used for all kinds of writing, including important documents. And I’m certain that more than one Roman schoolkid used the excuse once too often, “I left my homework in the sun.”
Fast-forward 2,000 years and you can have, in your lap, a tablet PC that does all that the tabulae ceratae ...
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