This book is a result of a series of interviews with Latino/Latinx leaders from Frank's first book, Building the Latino Future, who now expand on the evolution of Latino digital intelligence. We will show some of the key challenges facing the Latino community, and the common thread running through each of them, in elements based on seven principles—Decision Making, Intelligence, Game Plan, Inclusion, Technology, Abundance, and Leverage (DIGITAL).

Each letter of the DIGITAL Model represents what a great leader needs to possess, especially in the age of the digital evolution. The seven elements that make up the acronym DIGITAL appear as chapters in the book; but, as we are taking a new and innovated approach, they are considered evolution sections, as the purpose of this book is to see our contributions through an evolutionary process.

Combined strengths can be used as guidelines, and used to illustrate each element that leads the Latino community through evolutionary growth, but it also shows the common challenges Latinos face on their academic and professional journey. However, some of the practices and strategies to succeed have been through participation in a digital economy. It is with their skills with personal, transactional, and user‐generated data that these individuals have excelled in corporate platforms and in diverse sectors. Also, it is important to share, a core element for growth in the venture capital sector, ...

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