
I'd like to start by acknowledging you for buying this book. Thanks!

Here are some other people who deserve kudos.

First my family: Thanks to my wife and kids, for bearing with me during Thanksgiving and Christmas as I wrote this book! Thanks to my dad, for his feedback and encouragement. I'd also like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus, for providing me endless sources of inspiration. You rock!

To my team! I'd like to thank Phil Mershon, for providing critical analysis of every thought on every page of this book. Thanks to Cindy King, for her keen insight. Thanks to Court Patton of, for the great illustration work in the book. And thanks to the fans of, who provided outstanding insight and support.

Also, thanks to Mike Volpe from HubSpot, and David Germano from Barefoot Proximity (managers of Man of the House), for giving me their inside scoops!

Finally I'd like to thank my friend David Meerman Scott, for encouraging me to get this book under way and for helping me make it happen. And thanks to Shannon Vargo at John Wiley & Sons, Inc., for believing in me!

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