Chapter 13
Targeting with a Personal Touch Through Direct Mail
In This Chapter
Understanding how to include direct mail as part of the modern marketing mix
Designing your direct mail to drive leads farther down your funnel
Discovering the dos and don’ts of direct mail engagement
Combining your inbound, outbound, and direct mail efforts into an integrated campaign
You're probably rolling your eyes at me and saying “Dayna, isn’t direct mail a thing of the past?” My answer is no, direct mail is actually still very relevant and effective. If you're curious about why I say that, read on.
The key to effective direct mail is approaching it in the right way and integrating it with other outbound and inbound lead-generation strategies to make it part of a full campaign.
In fact, direct mail can be highly personal and creative, depending on your mode of attack and how you target your list. If you don’t believe me, take a look at some of these convincing stats:
- Seventy-three percent of U.S. consumers said they prefer direct mail for brand communication because they can read information at ...
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