Linus Torvalds, September 2007
He hates cell phones, but thinks that acceptance of the open source concept is now taken for granted – in a good way. BCS managing editor Brian Runciman inter-viewed Linus Torvalds, software engineer, BCS Lovelace Medal winner and, most notably, initiator of the Linux kernel.
Let’s start by clearing this up: Lie-nux or Lynne-ux?
It is Lynne-ux, because I was working on Minix, it sounds similar.
Isn’t your name pronounced Lie-nus – like Linus from Peanuts?
I was partly named after him, but in Finland it’s pronounced Lee-nus anyway – so it doesn’t work that way either!
BCS is pursuing professionalism in IT. What are your thoughts on this?
Well, I’m self-taught. The Linux community itself has ...
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