If asked to share our dreams with a room full of people we don't know, most of us are likely to balk. A big part of that is the fear that people will judge us. At what point do we decide what we are capable of rather than allowing others to impose their limiting beliefs on us?
When we look at those we admire based on their achievements, we're usually drawn to them only after their achievements have been recognised. Think of someone you would love to hang out with, have as a ‘favourite’ on your phone or just admire from a distance. Is it a sportsperson, a musician, a global CEO, a filthy-rich entrepreneur or someone you know who has achieved something pretty remarkable?
You have no doubt been drawn to them out of admiration for the achievements they have stacked up. You admire these achievements and perhaps even have a mild desire to do something similar. More likely, you tell yourself that, for a long list of reasons, you could never do what they have done. When we hold those beliefs, allowing that internal dialogue to persist, we talk down our abilities, limit what's possible for us and forgo the chance to do or be what we really want. Is it the fear of failure in the eyes of others or our own harsh judgement of ourselves that gets in the way? Or both?
For me, 2019 was a year in which I determined to take on a couple ...
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