4Leading Leaders

Though most organizations have training programs for first‐line leaders, relatively few have any programs in place for leaders‐of‐leaders. Part of the problem is the false assumption that there's very little difference between leading others and leading leaders—the logic being that if you can develop the skills of a first‐line leader, you will naturally adapt to this similar, but more significant, role. The other aspect of the problem is psychological, in that promotion to this position is often viewed as a stepping‐ stone rather than a major career transition. Whereas being appointed as a first‐line leader is a cause for celebration, the move to a leader‐of‐leaders is usually greeted with more muted enthusiasm.

Yet there is a significant difference in work values, time applications, and skills for this leadership layer versus the leader‐of‐others. They are supposed to select and develop the leaders‐of‐others and hold them accountable for leading. If this transition isn't addressed, many leadership contributions are missed, much to the detriment of their organization. The leader‐of‐leaders usually does the work of the leaders‐of‐others when they don't transition properly. Short term, the workforce is confused and poorly or inadequately led.

Leaders‐of‐leaders are responsible for the vast majority of people in the company. They lead the leaders‐of‐others and the hands‐on people who get the organization's products and services produced and delivered. As you can ...

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