
A3 problem-solving approach, 97–99

ABC. See Activity-based costing

Absorption costing, 209–210

Acceptance plans, 124

Accountability, 43, 114

Achievement needs, 25

Acquired needs theory, 25

Activity-based accounting systems, 207–209

Activity-based costing (ABC), 207–209

Affiliation needs, 25


development drivers, 183

engineering approaches, 188–189

Iacocca Institute report, 182

Lean and, 198–200

manufacturing literature, 184–187

marketing management, 195–197

principles, 191

project management, 192–194

software development methods, 189–191

strategies, 196–197

supply chain management, 194–195

andon, 106

Architectural, construction, and engineering (ACE) solutions, 132–135

Authority, 43, 114

Backflush inventory costing, 211

baka-yoke ...

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