
Work Environment Statements

1. Do you get bored with doings things the same old way?

2. Are you afraid of mistakes?

3. Do you get satisfaction from making improvements?

4. Are you discouraged from acting because of lack of resources?

5. Do you like solving problems in unorthodox ways?

6. Do you feel it’s not your job to be critical of established practices?

7. Do you mistrust your own or other people’s intuition?

8. Are you afraid of having your ideas ridiculed?

9. Do you find it hard to accept disorder and confusion?

10. Are you quick to point out why an idea won’t work?

11. Do you welcome other people’s ideas?

12. Do you prefer a quiet life to a challenging one?

Response: Likert Scale 1–5, 1—Strongly Disagree; 5—Strongly ...

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