

A3 problem-solving report, 176–180

Abe, Namiko, 187

Abstraction. See Information hiding.

Acceptance tests, 73–74

Adaptive control, 145

Adaptive control Frame 12, 143–147

consumability, 145

customer feedback, 143–144

customer outcomes, 146–147

escaped defects, 146

frequent releases, 144–145

Adler, Nancy, 191

Agical AB, 25

Agile development

cross-functional teams, 69

future of, 61–63

in large systems with tightly coupled architecture, 65

Agile Manifesto, 192


changing the business process, 224

continuous integration, 226

creating a sense of urgency, 229–230

an early experiment, 223

focus on customer outcomes, 228

governance, 230

key characteristics, 221

key problems, 224–225

lessons learned, 223–227

stakeholder feedback, 226

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