Chapter 10
What's the One Thing?
Random Thought
Do you take multi-vitamins? Why? Traditionally, people will say, “Because I need them.” OK, but which exact vitamin do YOU need?” Is it C? D3? Iron? Zinc? Magnesium? My doctor asked me if I was taking multi-vitamins. I said “Yes, daily gummies”. He said, “Stop”. He went on to say, “From looking at your blood test results, all you really need is 1,000 mg of zinc daily”. Hmmm…
Our custom is often to solve problems with what we in the United States call, the shotgun approach. We even have expressions in our language that tip us off to this habit like Fire for effect; Ready, fire, aim; Throw everything including the kitchen sink at it; or I don't care how you get it done, just get it done! Often ...
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