Lean Management Principles for Information Technology

Book description

Whether it's because of a lack of understanding, poor planning, or a myriad of other things, 50 to 60 percent of the IT effort in most companies can be considered waste. Explaining how to introduce Lean principles to your IT functions to reduce and even eliminate this waste, Lean Management Principles for Information Technology provides t

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half Title
  3. Title Page
  4. Copyright Page
  5. Dedication
  6. Table of Contents
  7. Preface
  8. Acknowledgments
  9. Introduction
  10. SECTION I Why a Book on Lean Information Technology (IT)?
    1. Chapter 1 Why Look at IT? What Is the Problem?
      1. So What Does Lean Bring to the Table?
      2. What Does an IT System Look Like?
      3. IT Issues to Avoid
      4. A New Directive for IT Organizations
      5. Summary
    2. Chapter 2 IT Background
      1. The Twenty-First Century Enterprise
      2. The IT Evolution
      3. The Enterprise Role of IT
      4. The Twenty-First Century Enterprise and IT
      5. Case Study: Wipro
      6. Summary
    3. Chapter 3 Are We “Doing the Right Things”?
      1. A3 Problem Analysis
      2. The A3 Steps
        1. “Team Members” Box
        2. “Approval Information/Signatures” Box
        3. “Clarify and Validate the Problem” Box
        4. “Perform a Purpose Expansion on the Problem” Box
        5. “Break Down the Problem/Identify Performance Gaps” Box
        6. “Set Improvement Targets” Box
        7. “Determine Root Cause” Box
        8. “Develop Improvement Task List” Box
        9. “Execute Improvement Tasks” Box
        10. “Confirm Results” Box
        11. “Standardize Successful Processes” Box
      3. Using the 9-Step A3 Tool
      4. What Loop Am I In?
      5. Case Study: Wipro (Continued)
      6. Summary
    4. Chapter 4 The Art of Managing Change
      1. A Discussion of Change
      2. Models for Change
      3. Innoveering
      4. How Do We Manage Change?
      5. The People
        1. Key Point 1: The Circle
        2. Key Point 2: Goal Setting
        3. Key Point 3: Leadership
        4. Key Point 4: Values and Ethics
        5. Key Point 5: Add Value to Society as an Enterprise
        6. Key Point 6: Continuous Learning
        7. Key Point 7: Innovation and Change Creation
        8. Key Point 8: Measuring/Rewarding
        9. Key Point 9: Stakeholders
      6. Successful Change Management
      7. Some Models for Change
        1. Model I: Quality Functional Deployment (QFD)
        2. Model II: Total Quality Management (TQM)
          1. The TQM Process
          2. Systematic Problem Solving (SPS) at AT&T
          3. The Good News about TQM
        3. Model III: Process Reengineering (PR)
        4. Model IV: ISO 9000
        5. Model V: Change Acceleration Process (CAP)
        6. Model VI: Kotter
        7. Model VII: USAF 8-Step
      8. Understanding Change
      9. IT Pitfalls
      10. Case Study: Wipro (Continued)
      11. Summary
  11. SECTION II Bringing Lean into Information Technology (IT)
    1. Chapter 5 How Can Lean Help IT?
      1. Leaning IT
      2. Measurable Benefits of Applying Lean to IT
      3. How IT Is Changing
      4. Case Study: Wipro (Continued)
      5. Some Final Thoughts
    2. Chapter 6 What Is Lean?
      1. Defining Lean
      2. The Key Principles of Lean
        1. Define “Value” from the Customer’s Perspective
        2. Define the Process by Looking at and Analyzing All the Pieces of the SIPOC
        3. Remove Obstacles (Bottlenecks) That Disrupt the Value Flow
        4. Drive Product and Service Flow at the “Pull” of the Customer
        5. Empower Employees in the Change Process through Teaming
        6. Build a Strategic Plan
      3. Lean Tools
      4. Acceptance Tools
        1. Acceptance Tool #1—Breakthrough Thinking/Concept Management/Purpose Expansion
        2. Acceptance Tool #2—Team Effectiveness Surveys
          1. Goals and Objectives
          2. Roles and Responsibilities
          3. Enthusiasm and Motivation
          4. Trust and Openness
          5. Leadership and Direction
          6. Information and Communication
        3. Acceptance Tool #3—Change Readiness Surveys
        4. Acceptance Tool #4—Myers–Briggs
        5. Acceptance Tool #5—JoHari Window
      5. Technical Tools
        1. Technical Tool #1—7 Wastes
          1. Overproduction
          2. Waiting
          3. Unnecessary Transportation
          4. Overprocessing
          5. Excess Inventory
          6. Unnecessary Movement by Employees
          7. Production of Defective Parts
          8. Underused Employee Abilities or Creativity
        2. Technical Tool #2—Value Stream Mapping (Current State/Ideal State/Future State)
          1. Mapping the Process
          2. Preparation
          3. Mapping Process
          4. Ideal State Value Stream Map/Future State Value Stream Map
          5. Develop an Action Item List of Improvement Opportunities
          6. Classify the Action Item List
          7. Select Improvement Events Based on the Highest Priority Areas of Improvement
        3. Technical Tool #3—SIPOC (Supplier/Input/Process/Output/Customer)
        4. Technical Tool #4—SWOT (Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats)
        5. Technical Tool #5—VOC (Voice of the Customer)
        6. Technical Tool #6—Systems Flowchart/Information Flow Diagrams
        7. Technical Tool #7—Gemba Walk (Go and See Analysis)
        8. Technical Tool #8—B-SMART Targets
        9. Technical Tool #9—JIT (Just-In-Time)/Kanban/Cells
        10. Technical Tool #10—Spaghetti Chart
        11. Technical Tool #11—Lean Events/RIE (Rapid Improvement Events)/Kaizen Events
        12. Technical Tool #12—Improvement Project
        13. Technical Tool #13—Just-Do-It
        14. Technical Tool #14—5S
          1. Sort
          2. Set in Order (Straighten)
          3. Shine
          4. Standardize
          5. Sustain
          6. A Sixth “S”—Safety
        15. Technical Tool #15—Poka-Yoke
        16. Technical Tool #16—Six Sigma/DMAIC
        17. Technical Tool #17—TPM (Total Product Maintenance)
        18. Technical Tool #18—Standard Work
        19. Technical Tool #19—5 Whys
        20. Technical Tool #20—Brainstorming
        21. Technical Tool #21—Fishbone Charts
        22. Technical Tool #22—Pareto Charts
        23. Technical Tool #23—Affinity Diagrams
        24. Technical Tool #24—Control Charts
        25. Technical Tool #25—PICK (Possible, Implement, Challenge, Kill) Chart/Impact/Effort Matrix
        26. Technical Tool #26—Theory of Constraints (TOC)/Bottleneck Analysis
          1. Management Philosophy
          2. Operating Principles
        27. Technical Tool #27—Project Charter
      6. Sustainment
      7. Comparison of Methods
      8. Some Success Stories
      9. Case Study: Wipro (Continued)
      10. Summary
      11. Appendix 6-A
        1. The JoHari Window Assessment Test
          1. Directions
          2. Interpretation
          3. JoHari Window Test
    3. Chapter 7 Are We Working on the Correct Problem? Or Are We Creating More Problems?
      1. A Quick Review of A3 Problem Analysis
      2. The A3 Steps
      3. The Two Case Examples
      4. Case #1
        1. Project Charter
        2. Facilitator Activities
        3. Event Pre-Work
        4. Event Execution
        5. Contents of the A3
        6. Post-Event Activities
      5. Case #2
        1. Project Charter
        2. Facilitator Activities
        3. RIE Event Pre-Work
        4. Event Execution
        5. Post-Event Activities
      6. Using the 9-Step A3 Tool
      7. Summary
    4. Chapter 8 The Lean IT Event
      1. The RIE
      2. The Role of the Facilitator
      3. Lean Training
      4. Lean Tools
      5. How the Lean Process Works
        1. Acceptance Stage
        2. Technical Stage
        3. Sustainment Stage
      6. Case Study: Wipro (Continued)
      7. Summary
    5. Chapter 9 Meaningful Metrics
      1. The Role and Purpose of Measures
      2. The Role and Purpose of Control Systems
      3. An Industrial Example—Managing Your Supply Chain Using Event Management
      4. Defining the Measurement System
      5. What Is the Best Measure for Your Organization?
      6. Measurement Reporting Tools
      7. Summary
  12. SECTION III Lean Information Technology (IT) on into the Future
    1. Chapter 10  IT Maturity
      1. Evaluating Your World-Class Status
      2. IT Best Practices
      3. Summary
    2. Chapter 11  Wrap-Up
  13. Bibliography
  14. About the Author

Product information

  • Title: Lean Management Principles for Information Technology
  • Author(s): Gerhard J. Plenert
  • Release date: July 2011
  • Publisher(s): CRC Press
  • ISBN: 9781000755770