© Paul Gerrard 2016
Paul GerrardLean Python10.1007/978-1-4842-2385-7_10

10. Searching

Paul Gerrard
Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK

Searching for Strings

Searching for text in strings is a common activity and the built-in string function find() is all you need for simple searches. It returns the position (offset) of the find or –1 if not found.
>>> txt="The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
>>> txt.find('jump')
>>> txt.find('z')
>>> txt.find('green')

More Complex Searches

There are often circumstances when the search is not so simple. Rather than a simple string, we need to look for a pattern and extract the information we really want from the matched text. Suppose for example, we wanted to extract all the URLs in links on a web page. Here ...

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