© Ted Hagos 2018
Ted HagosLearn Android Studio 3 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3156-2_1

1. Introduction

Ted Hagos1 
Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines

Most people would think of Android as a phone or tablet; or at least, that is what end users would think. A developer would probably think of Android as an operating system (OS) , and for the most part, it is. Android was designed originally to work as a mobile OS, but as it progressed, it found its way to some other places like TVs, car systems, watches, e-readers, netbooks, game consoles, and so forth.

Android includes quite a bit of stuff. It is a comprehensive platform. Apart from the OS and prebuilt applications, it includes a very capable software development kit, libraries, ...

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