Our first role will create the VPC and launch the EC2 instance. To bootstrap the role change, go to the cloud folder and run:
$ cd cloud$ ansible-galaxy init roles/aws
Let's start with the contents of roles/aws/defaults/main.yml first:
vpc_cidr_block: ""the_subnets: - { use: 'ec2', az: 'a', subnet: '' }ec2: instance_type: "t2.large" wait_port: "5986"image: base: Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base-* owner: amazon architecture: x86_64 root_device: ebswin_initial_password: "{{ lookup('password', 'group_vars/generated_administrator chars=ascii_letters,digits length=30') }}"
As you can see, we are only going to be using a single subnet and we are going to be looking for a Windows Server 2016 AMI during the playbook ...