Default variables

Before we look at the roles, let's take a look at the code of roles/stack/defaults/main.yml as there are a few differences:

wp_cli:  download: ""  path: "/usr/local/bin/wp"wordpress:  domain: "http://{{ elb_results.load_balancers[0].dns_name }}/"  title: "WordPress installed by Ansible on AWS"  username: "ansible"  password: "password"  email: ""efs_mount_dir: "/efs"wordpress_system:  user: "wordpress"  group: "php-fpm"  comment: "wordpress system user"  home: "{{ efs_mount_dir }}/wordpress"  state: "present"php:  ip: ""  port: "9000"  upstream: "php"  ini:    - { regexp: '^;date.timezone =', replace: 'date.timezone = Europe/London' } - { regexp: ...

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