Learn C the Hard Way (Companion Videos)

Video description

These videos are companion files meant to be used with the book: Learn C the Hard Way. Search Safari for ISBN 9780133124385 to access the book first and then use these videos with the book.

Table of contents

  1. Video Exercises
    1. Exercise 1: Dust Off That Compiler
    2. Exercise 2: Using Makefiles to Build
    3. Exercise 3: Formatted Printing
    4. Exercise 4: Using a Debugger
    5. Exercise 5: Memorizing C Operators
    6. Exercise 6: Memorizing C Syntax
    7. Exercise 7: Variables and Types
    8. Exercise 8: If, Else-If, Else
    9. Exercise 9: While-Loop and Boolean Expressions
    10. Exercise 10: Switch Statements
    11. Exercise 11: Arrays and Strings
    12. Exercise 12: Sizes and Arrays
    13. Exercise 13: For-Loops and Arrays of Strings
    14. Exercise 14: Writing and Using Functions
    15. Exercise 15: Pointers, Dreaded Pointers
    16. Exercise 16: Structs and Pointers to Them
    17. Exercise 17: Heap and Stack Memory Allocation
    18. Exercise 18: Pointers to Functions
    19. Exercise 19: Zed’s Awesome Debug Macros
    20. Exercise 20: Advanced Debugging Techniques
    21. Exercise 21: Advanced Data Types and Flow Control
    22. Exercise 22: The Stack, Scope, and Globals
    23. Exercise 23: Meet Duff’s Device
    24. Exercise 24: Input, Output, Files
    25. Exercise 25: Variable Argument Functions
    26. Exercise 26: Project logfind
    27. Exercise 27: Creative and Defensive Programming
    28. Exercise 28: Intermediate Makefiles
    29. Exercise 29: Libraries and Linking
    30. Exercise 30: Automated Testing
    31. Exercise 31: Common Undefined Behavior
    32. Exercise 32: Double Linked Lists
    33. Exercise 33: Linked List Algorithms
    34. Exercise 34: Dynamic Array
    35. Exercise 35: Sorting and Searching
    36. Exercise 36: Safer Strings
    37. Exercise 37: Hashmaps
    38. Exercise 38: Hashmap Algorithms
    39. Exercise 39: String Algorithms
    40. Exercise 40: Binary Search Trees
    41. Exercise 41: Project devpkg
    42. Exercise 42: Stacks and Queues
    43. Exercise 43: A Simple Statistics Engine
    44. Exercise 44: Ring Buffer
    45. Exercise 45: A Simple TCP/IP Client
    46. Exercise 46: Ternary Search Tree
    47. Exercise 47: A Fast URL Router
    48. Exercise 48A: A Simple Network Server—Project Description
    49. Exercise 48B: A Simple Network Server—Solution
    50. Exercise 49A: A Statistics Server—Project Description
    51. Exercise 49B: A Statistics Server—Solution
    52. Exercise 50A: Routing the Statistics—Project Description
    53. Exercise 50B: Routing the Statistics—Solution
    54. Exercise 51A: Storing the Statistics—Project Description
    55. Exercise 51B: Storing the Statistics—Solution
    56. Exercise 52A: Hacking and Improving Your Server—Project Description
    57. Exercise 52B: Hacking and Improving Your Server—Solution
    58. Exercise 52C: Hacking and Improving Your Server—Solution
    59. Next Steps

Product information

  • Title: Learn C the Hard Way (Companion Videos)
  • Author(s): Zed A. Shaw
  • Release date: December 2016
  • Publisher(s): Pearson
  • ISBN: 0134434455