© Sándor Gömöri 2016

Rādhārādhya Dāsa, Learn CakePHP, 10.1007/978-1-4842-1212-7_14

14. Goodies

Rādhārādhya Dāsa

(1)Somogyvamos, Hungary


There are other yummies

Code Coverage

Code coverage helps you to identify code parts that are not covered by tests. Theoretically, 100% coverage is attainable, but most of the time, you will achieve less than that percentage.

Generating code coverage is simple, like a piece of cake. We can generate coverage for all tests, test suites, or only for test files, with the same options described in the previous chapter.

$ cd ∼/public_html/cakeBlog              $ vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html webroot/coverage tests/TestCase/Model/Table/UsersTableTest.php ...

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