© Engy Fouda 2020
E. FoudaLearn Data Science Using SAS Studiohttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6237-5_8

8. SAS Visual Statistics: Viya

Engy Fouda1 
Hopewell Junction, NY, USA

The free version of SAS Studio does not contain all of the available features. Therefore, in this chapter, we will see some advanced features that are available in SAS Viya. SAS Viya is one of the most popular products of SAS, and its platform includes SAS Studio in it.

About SAS Studio, SAS Visual Statistics, SAS Visual Analytics, and SAS Viya

Too many names, and you might get confused about which does what, right?

SAS Visual Statistics is an add-on to SAS Visual Analytics, which is a product that has been built on top of the Viya platform. Hence, they are all a stack built ...

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