Targeted packet sniffing

You have now seen the basics of sniffing. Once we have a network (or a group of networks) to target, it's useful to run airodump-ng on that network only, instead of running it on all of the networks around us. In this section, we'll see how to do that.

We are currently running airodump-ng on all of the networks around us; we are going to target the network with the BSSID, EC:1A:59:5A:E1:46. That's our test network, the Test. We are going to sniff on that network only.

To do this, we're going to use the same program. The command will be as follows:

airodump-ng --channel 10 --bssid EC:1A:59:5A:E1:46 --write test-upc wlan0

We need to specify the channel. The --channel here is number 10, as you can see in the preceding ...

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