© Ron Dai 2019
R. DaiLearn Java with Mathhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5209-3_18

18. Conditional Statements

Ron Dai1 
Seattle, WA, USA

How do you identify and express the bigger number between the two numbers, x and y?

Math: Hypothesis and Conclusion

In a mathematical formula, we have to introduce the absolute sign to form an expression:

The bigger number between x and y ../images/485723_1_En_18_Chapter/485723_1_En_18_Figa_HTML.gif $$ \frac{\left(\mathbf{x}+\mathbf{y}\right)+\mid \mathbf{x}\hbox{--} \mathbf{y}\mid }{\mathbf{2}} $$

Recall the if/else structure:
if (x >= y) {
       // x is the bigger number
} else {
       // y is the bigger number

It is very straightforward and fairly easy to read!

The if/else ...

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