© Moisés Macero García 2020
M. Macero GarcíaLearn Microservices with Spring Boothttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6131-6_4

4. A Minimal Front End with React

Moisés Macero García1 
New York, NY, USA

A book about microservices that claims to be practical has to provide a front end too. In real life, users don’t interact with applications via REST APIs.

Since this book focuses on popular technologies used in real life, we’ll build our front end in React. This JavaScript framework allows us to easily develop web pages based on reusable components and services. According to the 2020 StackOverflow’s Developer Survey (https://tpd.io/js-fw-list), React is the most popular framework when compared to other similar alternatives like Angular or Vue.js. That ...

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