For this section, we will have to make use of Vagrant to demonstrate the difference between these methods, as we will require two VMs: one for single-node OpenShift cluster, and the other for the FreeIPA server. Use the following Vagrantfile to spin up an environment:
$ cat Vagrantfile $lab_idm = <<SCRIPTcat <<EOF >> /etc/hosts172.24.0.11 openshift172.24.0.12 idmEOFsed -i '/^*idm.*$/d' /etc/hostsyum -y updateyum -y install ipa-serversystemctl restart dbusipa-server-install -r IDM.EXAMPLE.COM -n -p idmsecret -a idmsecret --unattendedecho idmsecret | kinit adminecho supersecret | ipa user-add alice --first Alice --last Springs --passwordSCRIPT$lab_openshift ...