© Steve Prettyman 2020
S. PrettymanLearn PHP 8https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6240-5_7

7. Data Objects

Steve Prettyman1 
Key West, FL, USA

I’m an idealist. I don’t know where I’m going, but I’m on my way.—Carl Sandburg, Incidentals (1904)

Chapter Objectives/Student Learning Outcomes

After completing this chapter, the student will be able to
  • Create a data class that inserts, updates, and deletes XML or JSON data

  • Explain how to create a data class that updates MySQL data using a SQL script

  • Create a PHP program that creates a change backup log

  • Create a PHP program that can recover data from a previous backup

  • Apply changes to create up-to-date valid information

  • Use dependency injection to attach a data class to another class in the BR tier

  • Create a three-tier ...

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