© Adam Notodikromo 2021
A. NotodikromoLearn Rails 6https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6026-5_4

4. Modeling the Models

Adam Notodikromo1 
Tokyo, Japan

I am so excited I do not even have a cup of coffee with me right now. This chapter takes us into a new adventure where Active Record (AR) is the focal point. This chapter will cover AR in an in-depth and pragmatic method.

Specifically, the chapter is categorized into three sections. First, you will learn how to create, save, update, and destroy an AR instance. Next up is the domain logic, where we will make our model smarter—so that it is capable of validating itself, it knows how to relate to other models, it knows what to do at a certain point in its lifecycle, and so on. The last section, “Enrichment,” ...

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