© Prateek Singh 2020
P. SinghLearn Windows Subsystem for Linuxhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6038-8_1

1. Getting Started with WSL

Prateek Singh1 
Bangalore, India

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) is not the first subsystem that has ever existed in the Windows operating system; instead, it is a more refined product of years of research in developing isolated subsystems for application sandboxing that are decoupled from the host operating system.

Before we deep dive into setup, configuration, and workings of Windows Subsystem for Linux, let’s first look into how it all started and then quickly go through some keywords and definitions that will bring us on the same page and help us across the chapters in this book.

This chapter’s WSL primer will ...

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