Chapter 11. Putting It All Together

You’ve now practiced using just about every major tool in the ASP.NET toolbox. You’ve made dozens of sample applications, and you’ve gotten a feel for just how easy it is to make functional web sites with just a few controls. Now it’s time to put those skills to the test. In this chapter, you’ll make a fully functional (if somewhat limited) shopping application for the Adventure Works company. Unlike the order form you made in Chapter 2, this application will use all the skills you’ve learned. It uses data controls to display the Adventure Works database and retrieve the content the user wants, done in AJAX to speed things along. It has a shopping cart to store the items the user has purchased. It uses session state to pass that information on to a purchasing page. It incorporates validation controls to make sure the user enters good data. It has master pages that provide a consistent look and feel to the site, and custom error pages in case of problems. Finally, it has login controls to ensure that only registered users can access the pages of the site. In short, it’s a fully functional working application.

Getting Started

Create a new web site titled All Together. This is the site that you’ll use throughout the example in this chapter. This chapter consists of a single large example. As we build up the example, we will provide full code listings and shorter snippets along the way. At the end of the chapter are complete code listings for the entire ...

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