Specialization and Generalization
Before we can start to show you the syntax of inheritance, we first have to give you a little more object-oriented background, so you can see why inheritance works the way it does. Classes and their instances (objects) do not exist in a vacuum, but rather in a network of interdependencies and relationships, just as we, as social animals, live in a world of relationships and categories.
One of the most important relationships among objects in the real world is specialization, which can be described as the is-a relationship. When we say that a dog is a mammal, we mean that the dog is a specialized kind of mammal. It has all the characteristics of any mammal (it bears live young, nurses with milk, has hair), but it specializes these characteristics to the familiar characteristics of Canis domesticus. A cat is also a mammal. As such, we expect it to share certain characteristics with the dog that are generalized in Mammal
, but to differ in those characteristics that are specialized in cats.
The specialization and generalization relationships are both reciprocal and hierarchical. Specialization is just generalization in the opposite direction: Mammal
generalizes what is common among dogs and cats, and dogs and cats specialize mammals to their own specific subtypes.
These relationships are hierarchical because they create a relationship tree, with specialized types branching off from more generalized types. As you move “up” the hierarchy, you achieve greater ...
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