Chapter 2. Specifying a Carbon Application: Moon Travel Planner
Specifying a Carbon application is similar to specifying any application. You need to define the goal of the application, sketch out the interface, define the behavior of the interface, and outline the implementation details. Before you start creating the application, it’s helpful to sort out what needs to be done in Interface Builder and what complementary things need to be done in Project Builder. Although you’ll find yourself switching back and forth between the two development tools, once you get the hang of it, you’ll see it’s fairly easy and fast to create an application with a great looking interface.
You’ll create a sample specification that shows:
Aspects of the interface that need to be created in Interface Builder and what needs to be done in Project Builder to support the interface
Other code that needs to be written in C using Project Builder
Items that should be created as a localizable file or other resource
Tasks taken care of by the operating system
You’ll create the Moon Travel Planner application that’s specified in this chapter throughout the course of the book. Once you define the goals of the sample application, the specification progresses according to what the user will see in the interface.
Windows and menus are the two basic elements users see in any interface. So you’ll sketch out each window and menu, describe its behavior, and outline the implementation details. This chapter includes cross references ...
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