Learning Clientside GraphQL with Apollo

Video description

With GraphQL and Apollo, data flow in APIs is clean, lean, and simple to master. Brought to you by Azat Mardan, best-selling author and founder of Node University, this liveVideo course will provide you with all the skills necessary to start using GraphQL and Apollo. As you build a completely self-contained application, you’ll discover firsthand how easy and effective your front-end applications can be when using GraphQL and Apollo!

About the Technology
GraphQL, a data query and manipulation language, is the open source community’s answer to the growing complexity of the data landscape of front-end web applications. GraphQL’s ease of querying complex data—and returning nothing more nor less than necessary—makes it a simpler, more efficient, and flexible alternative to other web service architectures.

Built on the GraphQL specification, Apollo is a powerful set of tools and libraries which implements extensive research and feedback from the user community. Rich with features and techniques that simplify the data-layers within organizations, it makes rollouts of new deployments faster and easier.

About the Video
In Learning Clientside GraphQL with Apollo, you’ll learn the benefits of using GraphQL with Apollo and how this robust stack can solve problems that can arise when working with data from front-end APIs. You’ll gain hands-on experience as you build a self-contained voting application, complete with a database and front-end and backend applications. Your project will allow users to vote a topic up or down, propose new topics, and leave comments on topics.

What's Inside
  • The benefits of GraphQL and Apollo
  • The design decisions behind GraphQL and Apollo
  • GraphQL queries and mutations
  • URL routing and pagination
  • How to set up your Apollo client
  • How to create a Node GraphQL backend from scratch
  • How to build a self-contained application using GraphQL and Apollo

About the Reader
For front-end web developers familiar with Javascript and the fundamentals of Node and HTML. Knowledge of GraphQL and Apollo may be helpful, but is not necessary.

About the Author
Azat Mardan is one of the leading experts on JavaScript, Node, React, and cloud technologies, who has authored multiple top-selling books and video courses, including our book React Quickly. He is a Microsoft MVP and works as an Engineering Leader at Indeed.


Table of contents

    1. Course overview
    2. About the instructor
    3. Course prerequisites
    4. What is GraphQL and how is different from REST?
    5. What is Apollo and how is it different from Redux and Relay Modern?
    1. GraphQL architecture
    2. Getting started with GraphQL
    3. Enhancing GraphQL queries
    4. Fetching data from a GraphQL backend using cURL
    5. Working with GraphQL types relationships
    6. Adding data with GraphQL mutation queries
    7. Updating data with GraphQL mutation queries
    8. Deleting data with GraphQL mutation queries
    9. Query parameters last, first, before, and after
    10. Query parameters skip, orderBy, and filter and meta queries
    11. Schema for the Dashboard project and enhanced relationships
    1. Dashboard project overview
    2. Demo of Dashboard views
    3. Learning Dashboard project structure
    4. Launching the Dashboard project starter code
    5. Setting up the Apollo client with ApolloProvider, connecting to GraphQL backend
    6. Referring to a GraphQL query fragment for notifications
    7. Defining a GraphQL query fragment for notifications
    8. Testing the implementation for notifications
    1. Unit overview
    2. Overview of the connections (relationships) between order and product types
    3. Implementing GraphQL read query for orders
    4. Implementing GraphQL read query for orders, part 2
    5. Implementing GraphQL update query (mutation) for orders
    6. Implementing GraphQL update query (mutation) for orders, part 2
    7. Supplying multiple types of data for home
    8. Supplying multiple types of data for home, part 2
    9. Supplying multiple types of data for home, part 3
    1. Unit overview
    2. Writing pagination query for products using first, skip, and GraphQL variables
    3. Implementing pagination using URL query string parameters and React Router
    4. Implementing detailed view a delete for product
    5. Testing the pagination and delete implementation for products
    1. Unit overview
    2. Setting up GraphQL backend graph.cool locally using Docker
    3. Switching to local backend

Product information

  • Title: Learning Clientside GraphQL with Apollo
  • Author(s): Azat Mardan
  • Release date: October 2018
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: 10000MNLV201732