The Highcharts extension

In this section, we will examine how simple it is to create a Highcharts component in Ext JS. We do this by importing from an existing Highcharts configuration. Let's continue from the previous JsonStore example and incorporate it within the extension.

Step 1 – removing some of the Highcharts options

Let's assume that we already have a working independent Highcharts configuration, as follows:

var myConfig = {
      chart: {
            renderTo: 'container',
            width: 350,
            height: 300,
      series: [{
          type: 'column',
          data: [ 126633683, 55840235, .... ]
      xAxis: { 
          categories: [ "", 
                        "", ... ],
      yAxis: { .... },
      title: { .... },

The first step is to remove all the fields that the extension will handle ...

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