Creating a linked list

Now that you understand what a linked list is, let's start implementing our data structure. This is the skeleton of our LinkedList class:

function LinkedList() { 
  let Node = function(element){ // {1} 
    this.element = element; = null; 
  let length = 0; // {2} 
  let head = null; // {3} 
  this.append = function(element){}; 
  this.insert = function(position, element){}; 
  this.removeAt = function(position){}; 
  this.remove = function(element){}; 
  this.indexOf = function(element){}; 
  this.isEmpty = function() {}; 
  this.size = function() {}; 
  this.toString = function(){}; 
  this.print = function(){}; 

For the LinkedList data structure, we need a helper class called Node (line {1}). The Node class represents the item that we want to add ...

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