Using Prelert for operational analytics

In this section, we'll use what we learned in Chapter 5, Metric Analytics with Metricbeat and Kibana 5.0 and apply it to Prelert. The idea is to use Metricbeat to generate system data and analyze the CPU utilization, as well as to detect anomalies. We'll run Metricbeat on our machines; you can do the same on a different machine, if you have some on Amazon, for instance. Wherever you do it, we'll also run a stress tool to generate CPU utilization, just to facilitate the demo so that we are sure that we have the anomalies.

The first thing to do is download Metricbeat, install it, and import Kibana dashboards, as shown in Chapter 5, Metric Analytics with Metricbeat and Kibana 5.0; refer to this chapter for more ...

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