CSS Colors
Colors can be applied to the foreground and background of text and
objects using the color
and background-color
properties (or by supplying a
single argument to the background
property). The colors specified can be one of the named colors (such as
or blue
), colors created from hexadecimal RGB
triplets (such as #ff0000
or #0000ff
), or colors created using the rgb
CSS function.
The standard 16 color names as defined by the W3C (http://www.w3.org) standards organization are: aqua
, black
, fuchsia
, gray
, green
, maroon
, navy
, purple
, red
, teal
, white
and yellow
. The following rule uses one
of these names to set the background color for an object with the ID of
#object { background-color:silver; }
In the rule below, the foreground color of text in all <div>
elements is set to yellow (because
on a computer display, hexadecimal levels of ff
red, plus ff
green, plus 00
blue create the color yellow):
div { color:#ffff00; }
Or, if you don’t wish to work in hexadecimal, you can specify your
color triplets using the rgb
as in the following rule, which changes the background color of the
current document to aqua:
body { background-color:rgb(0, 255, 255); }
If you prefer not to work in ranges of 256 levels per color, you
can use percentages in the rgb
function instead, with values ranging from the lowest (0
) amount of a primary color through to the
highest (100
), like this: rgb(58%, 95%, 74%)
. You can also use floating-point values for even ...
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