© Stuart Fordham 2021
S. FordhamLearning SD-WAN with Cisco https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7347-0_8

8. Templates

Stuart Fordham1  
Bedfordshire, UK

In this chapter, we are going to look at, create, and apply templates to our devices. Using templates, the edge device configurations will, for the most part, be the same, leaving us just to fill in the parts that are unique (such as IP addresses).

We are going to start this by putting things right which once went wrong. Just like Doctor Samuel Beckett.

We start with vEdge02 which, according to the topology, should be in site 200, so let’s put this into the correct site:
vEdge02# config
Entering configuration mode terminal
vEdge02(config)# system
vEdge02(config-system)# site-id 200
vEdge02(config-system)# ...

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