Chapter 10. Building a Settings View
At this point Selfiegram is working pretty darn well—we have an entire working app for taking, editing, and deleting selfies that have a variety of different information saved as a part of them. What we are going to be adding in now is a settings view where we will let users configure what features of the app they wish to make use of.
For the Selfiegram settings we’re going to use another table view controller, with each row containing a toggle switch letting our users turn on and off particular features. Initially it will only contain two rows, one for enabling location support and another for setting a reminder in the app to take a selfie each day. This is intentionally limited because at the moment our app is nice and simple; as we expand the app we can easily add in more settings if necessary. In this chapter we will be doing the main chunk of work required for the settings to work and enabling users to configure location support. In the next chapter we will add in support for optional reminders.
Building the Settings UI
Our first step is to get the new UI for our settings up and running. As mentioned previously, we will be using table views again—but this time, instead of a dynamic table view we will be using static cells, where the content is locked in based on what we will be drawing into the storyboard. This will minimize the amount of code we need to write but will also mean any time we want to add in more settings we will have to ...
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