Some Additional Thoughts About Vim Scripting
We’ve covered only a small corner of the entire Vim scripting universe, but we hope you get the sense of Vim’s power. Virtually everything you can do interactively using Vim can be coded in a script.
In this section we look at a nice example included in the built-in Vim documentation, discuss in more detail concepts we touched on earlier, and look at a few new features.
A Useful Vim Script Example
Vim’s built-in documentation includes a handy script we think
you’ll want to use. It specifically addresses keeping a current
timestamp in the meta
line of an
HTML file, but it could easily be used for many other types of files
where it is useful to have the most recent modification time of the
file within the text of that file.
Here is the example essentially intact (we have modified it slightly):
autocmd BufWritePre,FileWritePre *.html mark s|call LastMod()|'s fun LastMod() " if there are more than 20 lines, set our max to 20, otherwise, scan " entire file. if line("$") > 20 let lastModifiedline = 20 else let lastModifiedline = line("$") endif exe "1," . lastModifiedline . "g/Last modified: /s/Last modified: .*/Last modified: " . \ strftime("%Y %b %d") endfun
Here’s a brief breakdown of the autocmd command:
These are the events for which the command is triggered. In this case, Vim executes the autocommand before the file or buffer gets written to the storage device.
Execute this autocommand for any file whose name ends ...
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