
11.1    Initiating an Action: The Pushbutton Object

11.2    Setting a Number: The Slider Object

11.3    Setting a Logical Value: The Checkbox Object

11.4    Setting a String: The Edit Textbox Object

11.5    Displaying a String: The Static Textbox Object

11.6    Selecting a Choice: The Popupmenu Object

11.7    Setting a Choice: The Listbox Object

11.8    Setting an Exclusive Choice: The Buttongroup, Togglebutton, and Radiobutton Objects

11.9    Visual Grouping: The Panel Object

11.10   Tabular Data: The Uitable Object

11.11   The axes object

This chapter provides a brief overview of the basic GUIDE-generated GUI objects and how they can be used in common motifs. A lengthy description of all the object properties for each class can be found in the online MATLAB documentation.


Description: The user presses and releases a pushbutton to initiate an action by executing the callback function associated with the button.


Class name: uicontrol, Style=pushbutton

Primary property: String

Also of potential interest are properties controlling the look of the string on the button. These include FontName, FontSize, FontWeight, and FontAngle. To see a listing of available fonts on your system, type listfonts in the Command window. Beware of ...

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