Writing unit tests for the shopping list application

Before starting the actual writing of our unit tests, let's establish some rules. For each of our .js or .vue files, there will exist a corresponding test spec file, which will have the same name and a .spec.js extension. The structure of these specs will follow this approach:

  • It will describe the file we are testing
  • It will have a describe method for each of the methods that is being tested
  • It will have an it method for each of the cases we are describing

So, if we had a myBeautifulThing.js file and spec for it, it might look like the following:

// myBeautifulThing.js 
export myBeautifulMethod1() { 
  return 'hello beauty' 
export myBeautifulMethod2() { 
  return 'hello again' 
// myBeautifulThing.spec.js ...

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