10. Embedded Media


Embedded Media

In This Chapter

The iframe element

The object element

Video and audio players

The canvas element

The HTML specification defines embedded content as follows:

content that imports another resource into the document, or content from another vocabulary that is inserted into the document

In Chapter 7, Adding Images, you saw examples of both parts of that definition because images are one type of embedded content. The img and picture elements point to an external image resource using the src or srcset attributes, and the svg element embeds an image file written in the SVG vocabulary right in the page.

But images certainly aren’t the only things you can stick in a web page. In this chapter, we’ll look at other types of embedded content and their respective markup, including the following:

  • A window for viewing an external HTML source (iframe)
  • Multipurpose embedding elements (object and embed)
  • Video and audio players (video and audio)
  • A scriptable drawing area that can be used for animations or game-like interactivity (canvas)

Window-In-A-Window (iframe)


A nested browsing window

The iframe (short for inline frame) element lets you embed a separate HTML document or other web resource in a document. It has been around for many years, but it has recently become one of the most popular ways to share content between sites.

For example, when you request the code to embed a video from YouTube or a map from Google Maps, they ...

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