
5 Whys approach to feedback, 68

6Ds Company, 27–28

6Ds Learning Framework (Six Disciplines of Breakthrough Learning), 27–28, 30–31

70-20-10 rule, 17–19, 27, 30


acting profession example of OJT as a necessity, 45–47

aligning to individual skill levels, 88–92

Allan Myers, 5–6, 51, 90, 95, 115, 125, 141–142

Allred, Brad, 6–7, 45, 50, 57–58, 64, 90–91, 129, 138

apprenticeships, 26–27, 89

Arbonne, 72, 91

asking questions, 104

ASTM International, 61–62

attracting and retaining quality employees, 49–52

autonomy, 42, 49, 71–74, 102–103, 131


Beard, Tye, 61–62

benefits of SOJT (structured on-the-job training)

for the business, 47–56

for learners, 41–47, 84–85

for mentors, 84–85

for professional development coordinators, 84–85

for training professionals, ...

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