Converting the Collision Game Audio

Given that we're already talking about the AudioEngine problem, let's first tackle the audio changes. You will be able to identify key places where audio is going to give you hiccups by just compiling your solution. You'll see that not only the AudioEngine but also the WaveBank, SoundBank, and Cue objects aren't even part of the namespaces available to the Zune project.

Before removing all of the related code, make sure you have the files you need to run audio in the Zune. Remember that Zune audio is handled via the content pipeline without an XACT file. You should already have all the required .wav files in your project's Content\Audio folder. Right-click that folder in Solution Explorer and select Add → Existing Item.... Navigate to the project's Content\Audio folder and add the following files to your project: boltcollision.wav, fourbladescollision.wav, pluscollision.wav, skullcollision.wav, start.wav, threebladescollision.wav, and track.wav.

You'll also need to remove the GameAudio.xap file from the project because your Zune project will give you a compilation error if you attempt to compile with that file included in the project. Right-click the GameAudio.xap file in the Content\Audio folder within Solution Explorer and select "Exclude From Project."

Next, open your Game1 class. You have a block of code that won't work with the Zune project:

AudioEngine audioEngine;
WaveBank waveBank;
SoundBank soundBank;
Cue trackCue;

Surround that block of code ...

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