Adding Update Code

Now, you'll need to modify the Update method of your Game1 class to call a different method based on the current game state (you'll add those methods shortly):

protected override void Update(GameTime gameTime)
    if (GamePad.GetState(PlayerIndex.One).Buttons.Back == ButtonState.Pressed)
        this.Exit(  );

    // Only run the Update code if the game is currently active.
    // This prevents the game from progressing while
    // gamer services windows are open.
    if (this.IsActive)
        // Run different methods based on game state
        switch (currentGameState)
            case GameState.SignIn:
                Update_SignIn(  );
            case GameState.FindSession:
                Update_FindSession(  );
            case GameState.CreateSession:
                Update_CreateSession(  );
            case GameState.Start:
            case GameState.InGame:
            case GameState.GameOver:

    // Update the network session and pump network messages
    if (networkSession != null)
        networkSession.Update(  );


Besides the methods that you haven't coded yet, there are a couple of other things here that are worth mentioning. First, the game logic is surrounded by an if statement containing this.IsActive. This relates to the GamerServicesComponent you added earlier. That component will automatically render sign-in screens and account dashboards upon request. When it does so, your game becomes inactive (even though it is drawn in the same window). You don't want processing to ...

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