©  Mark Bell and James Floyd Kelly 2017

Mark Bell and JAMES FLOYD KELLY, LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2262-1_18

18. PushBot: Planning and Design

Mark Bell and James Floyd Kelly2

(1)Northridge, California, USA

(2)Smyrna, Georgia, USA

The GrabberBot we built in Chapter 15 performed its tasks by lifting and bringing the scroll back. The bot for this next challenge will perform its tasks by doing the opposite—pushing the figurines into their proper locations.

Why pushing? Well, lifting the figurines is definitely a possibility. And you might choose to attack the problem using a lifting motion again. But for the purposes of designing my bot, I’ve decided that I want to keep the figurines in contact with the floor to avoid dropping them as ...

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