©  Mark Bell and James Floyd Kelly 2017

Mark Bell and JAMES FLOYD KELLY, LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3, 10.1007/978-1-4842-2262-1_23

Robot Commander Remote Control App

Mark Bell and James Floyd Kelly2

(1)Northridge, California, USA

(2)Smyrna, Georgia, USA

LEGO has helpfully given us an app that can operate every aspect of your EV3 robots. It can control motors, both large and medium. It can give you a joystick or slider bars to control motors singly or in combination. It can also report the status of your sensors. This is exceptionally useful for testing a new design without writing any software.

Downloading and Running the Robot Commander App

Figure B-1 shows a screenshot from the LEGO Robot Commander app download page. As shown at the bottom, you can download ...

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