Imagine that you are holding a bottle of 50-year-old port. There is a way to drink port. It is not the only way, but most folks who have enjoyed port for many years have found some guidelines that help them maximize their portdrinking experience. Here are just a few:

Lesson 1: Don't drink straight from the bottle.

If you have no glass, nor any other possible containers available, pour a tiny amount of port into the palm of your hand and sip from there. The port aroma should be smelled as you sip. Let the port swirl over your tongue. Don't gulp down the port.

Lesson 2: Don't drink the entire bottle.

If you are drinking because you are thirsty, put down the port and drink a big glass of water. A small amount of port each time maximizes the enjoyment of the entire bottle.

Lesson 3: Don't pollute the port.

If someone tells you that you ought to try a new cocktail made with orange juice, seawater, and port, politely refuse. With a big smile, say, "But I would enjoy a glass of port."

Lesson 4: Don't covet the port.

Hoarding your port means that you will never have the pleasure of gentle conversation while sipping. Port is best shared with friends who also enjoy a glass. Remember, they have a bottle somewhere, too.

You are not holding a bottle of port in your hands. You are holding Lessons Learned in Software Testing, a very valuable book about software testing. This book has been ripening to perfection throughout the 50 work-years of the authors' experiences. While port is for your taste ...

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